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Equality Statement of Principle 2023-24


At Fulwood and Cadley we are a diverse and multi-cultural community that promotes morals, manners and respect.


Teachers are ambitious role models, who create a nurturing haven, where all the children feel safe, happy and able to develop real life skills. Within an inclusive environment, pupils, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, social/home background or behaviour, are enabled to flourish and shine, this is underpinned by the nine protected characteristics. 

As a school family we are committed to our duties under the Equality Act 2010:

  • advancing equality of opportunity,
  • eliminating discrimination and harassment
  • fostering positive relations both in school and within our wider communities  

We will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any pupil, prospective pupil, or other member of the school community because of their:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Disability
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Marriage and civil partnership


Fulwood and Cadley Primary School aims to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with special emphasis on promoting equality, diversity and eradicating prejudicial incidents for pupils and staff. Our school is committed to not only eliminating discrimination, but also increasing understanding and appreciation for diversity through

our curriculum provision in areas such as Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE), RE and topical issues linked to world and national or regional news which may be explored in English or assemblies.

We are committed to having a balanced and fair curriculum. We believe that our pupils should be exposed to ideas and concepts that may challenge their understanding to help ensure that pupils learn to become more accepting and inclusive of others. Challenging and controversial concepts will be delivered in a way that prevents discrimination, and instead promotes inclusive attitudes. We will also respect the right of parents to withdraw their children from Religious Education classes, which pose conflicts to their own beliefs.


We strive to ensure that our children and staff feel part of the local community and in doing so can make a difference. With weekly food parcels, Mission Christmas, cards and gifts to local care homes, our school family aims to make a difference to the lives of the people in our community and in doing so enable children to understand that their actions can positively affect the lives of those around them regardless of background or need.


Fulwood and Cadley Primary School believes that a greater level of success from pupils and staff can be achieved by realising the uniqueness of individuals. Creating a prejudice-free environment where individuals feel confident and at ease is a commitment of the school. This environment will be achieved by:

  • Providing opportunities for children and staff to work collaboratively within an effective team    
  • Providing a consistent and reflective approach enabling effective engagement in learning
  • Enabling children to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners, striving to achieve their full potential
  • Fostering children’s self-esteem and help them to build positive relationships with other people
  • Developing children’s self-respect,  encourage them to understand the ideas, attitudes and values of others, and teach them to respect other people’s feelings
  • Showing respect and tolerance for a diverse range of cultures and in so doing, to promote positive attitudes towards other people
  • Enabling children to understand their community, help them feel valued as part of it and look at ways in which they can contribute and make a difference
  • Helping children grow into responsible, reliable, independent and positive citizens
  • Promoting positive attitudes towards people with disabilities

Fulwood and Cadley Primary School does not tolerate any form of prejudice-related incident. Whether direct or indirect, we treat discrimination against all members of our school with the utmost severity. When an incident is reported, through a thorough reporting procedure, our school is devoted to ensuring appropriate action is taken and a resolution is put into place which is both fair and firm.

At Fulwood and Cadley Primary School, our pupils are taught to be:

  • Understanding, tolerant and accepting of others
  • Celebratory of cultural diversity
  • Determined to reach their full potential
  • Inclusive in their learning and play
  • Aware of what constitutes discriminatory behaviour

The school’s employees will:

  • Promote diversity and equality
  • Encourage and adopt an inclusive attitude
  • Lead by example

The school’s employees will not:

  • Discriminate against any member of the school
  • Treat other members of the school unfairly

Fulwood and Cadley Primary School does not discriminate against staff, pupils or parents with regards to their:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marital or civil partner status
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex or sexual orientation   (9 Protected Characteristics)

Equality of opportunity and non-discrimination extends to the treatment of all members of the school community. All staff members are obliged to act in accordance will the school’s various policies relating to equality and all policies are agreed and verified by the schools Governing body.

We will guarantee that no redundancy is the result of direct or indirect prejudice.  All disciplinary procedures are non-prejudicial, whether they result in warnings, dismissal, or any other disciplinary action.

Equality in Action 2023-24

Everyone at Fulwood & Cadley is Equal

Here in school everyone is treated with fairness and as equals. The staff treat all pupils regardless of gender, race or abilities with respect and in turn so to do the children. Towards both their peers and staff.

Evidence and examples of this :-

  • All children wear school uniform. Girls and boys can choose to wear trousers or skirts.
  • All after school clubs are for boys and girls.
  • All pupils share in jobs around school and classroom monitors and are chosen on a rota system.
  • All children are treated the same by members of staff.
  • Children who cannot speak English are included in all our lessons and activities and are given extra help if they need it and/or external specialist support is offered to overcome such barriers
  • Children with disabilities are helped to succeed in sports by using different equipment and tasks.
  • Girls and boys all follow the same expectations in relation to both conduct and behaviour in and around school.
  • Children requiring additional support regardless of the need are offered such support, from additional learning provision, to counselling or 1:1 emotional support
  • Children are given a voice through a number of systems in place from school council to worry monsters/jars in every class.

As clearly stated in our school vision, “Be Unique,” all our children are equal but are valued for their unique abilities and the value they bring to our school family.

The school’s promotion of pupils’ personal development and welfare is a strength here at Fulwood and Cadley. Pupils feel safe, nurtured, valued and looked after.

Equality is at the heart of Fulwood and Cadley, which means that there is no discrimination. There is a strong ethos in school which promotes achievement for all. Consequently, pupils mix and work happily, regardless of age, gender or ability. There is also no discrimination or derogatory language in school because of a person’s disability, sexuality, faith, belief or ethnic background.

There is a warm and nurturing atmosphere in and around the school, and the pupils are a credit to their families.  

Key Documents

Guide for Children and Young People

Equality Act: A Guide for Children and Young People