I am so pleased to welcome you to Class 4 and I am looking forward to the exciting journey that we will take together this year. We have lots of opportunities for continuous provision within our areas both in the classroom and in our lovely, shared outdoor area. You can keep up to date with what your child has been doing in class using the family access on Seesaw and you can add your own photos from home using the home learning code. All children will be given a family access code and a home learning code. You will need to use both to access all the messages from the staff in class and to add your own things from home.
If you have any questions or need to talk to us about anything then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Myself and Mrs Watt are both excited about the year ahead and the journey we will take together.
Miss Walker
Getting in touch
Sending a message through seesaw is one way to get in touch with me. I will try to reply to you as promptly as I can within the working week but please bear in mind that I do not always pick up messages during school time so if it is an emergency, contact the school office.
You can also contact school by email . Again, please bear in mind that you may not get an immediate response.
Class 4 Key Information
PE days are Tuesday and Friday each week. Please send your child into school wearing the correct school PE kit.
Children will need a pair of wellies that can be kept in school - please write your child's name on the inside.
Please ensure that ALL items of clothing are named - jumper, cardigan, tie, coat, shoes - anything that your child may take off!
Your child may bring in a water bottle so they may have a drink of water throughout the day. Please remember that only tap water is permitted in water bottles (not juice or flavoured waters). We do have drinking water and cups in class, so don’t worry if you forget your bottle.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch to school, please do not send in chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks. Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have children with nut allergies in school - so nuts or foods containing nuts are not permitted - this includes Nutella spread.
If you want your child to have toast in the mornings, then please sign up and pay through our Parent Pay system.
Please remember to check your child’s bag for any letters or homework.
I will communicate any messages through Seesaw, so please be sure to sign up with your Family Invite so that you receive any messages I may send home.
Here are parent friendly guides for the Mathematics skills which are taught in Years 1 and 2. We are hoping you will find these useful to support any additional Maths work you are doing with your child at home.