Teacher - Miss Foss (Mon/Tues/Wed) Mrs Pritchard (Thurs/Fri)
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kaur
PPA Cover - Mrs Horrocks (Every Tuesday afternoon)
Contact email: parents@fulwoodcadley.lancs.sch.uk
School Office: 01772 71708
Hello and a very warm welcome to Class 6. We hope you have all had a lovely summer making lots of memories with family and friends. We are excited to welcome your child in to Class 6 and hope that they have a very happy and successful year. It will be filled with many fun, engaging and challenging tasks, all of which we are positive your child will love!
Communication is key, so if you need to speak to us about anything at all, we will be on the playground at the end of each day (apart from Tuesday). Equally you can send us a message via the e-mail stated above which we will aim to respond to within 48 hours. For more urgent responses, please contact the school office directly.
The app we use in class is Showbie. Here, we will post pictures of the children's work/learning.
Thank you for your support.
Miss Foss & Mrs Pritchard
Class PE Days for Class 6 are: Monday and Thursday. Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on those days. Please ensure all uniform is labelled.
Home learning will be set on Showbie and sent home in a homework book every Wednesday and it needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. This will include spellings, daily reading and a task linked to our current Maths topic. We strive to listen to the children read in class at least 2-3 times a week so please ensure your child has their reading book and diary in school everyday.