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Curriculum Information

Spring A

Our class topic for Spring A is called 'Anglo Saxons'. The linked subjects for this topic are history, art, music and English.  


In history, we will be looking at Anglo Saxons. We will be exploring life as an Anglo Saxon and why they wanted to settle in Britain. We will also be studying 'Alfred the Great'. 


In art lessons, we will be focusing on pencil drawings. Inspired by the work of Robin Brooks we will be creating our own  collage.

Watch out for our masterpieces being uploaded to Showbie soon!

Mrs Margerison will be teaching Art this term.


Mrs Murphy will be teaching Music this term.


Our class read this term will be reading Anglo Saxon Boy. This story is about a boy who has to go and fight in a big war which has occurred in 1066 and his father Harold Godwinson is the lord of the Southern Saxons who's in line for the Throne of England. The battle is caused by a family feud between the two brothers and who should be in charge of England.

Within writing lessons, we will be writing a fable, newspaper article and a rhyme poem. 

Discrete Subjects


This half term, we will be focusing on programming. Our main focus is to teach the children about how to make their own scratch project.


Our school theme for PSHE for the autumn term is Health and Well-being. In class 6, our children will be focusing on keeping safe. Alongside this, we will continue to have weekly 'Happy Minds' lessons. This is a whole school focus on creating a culture of positive mental well-being. Our next unit of work is called 'celebrate.' and helps us to celebrate all the amazing things about ourselves.

Mrs Margerison will be teaching PSHE this term.


This half term, our outdoor PE lessons will focus on invasion games: basketbal. For our second PE lesson, we will be completing indoor gymnastics. 


Our French lessons will be taught by Mr Holding who will be focusing on Pets


Our focus for religious education this half term is Islam.


In science lessons we will be learning all about SOUND.


Mathematics lessons will take place daily. This half term we will be focusing on Length and Perimeter and multiplication and division part 2.