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The School Day

(The following information is for when your child attends school full time) The school doors are open from 8.40am.  No responsibility can be accepted for your child before this time.  The school doors open for children to come into school, get toast (if this has been ordered via parent pay) and to get ready for registration.  Children in school before 8.50am will receive a stamp on their punctuality card.  When it is raining, the doors will still be opened at 8.40am.

8:40am  Doors open


School starts

12.00 – 1.00pm

Lunch time



EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage – Children in their first year of school (Reception).

Punctuality and Attendance

Attendance and punctuality are very important here at Fulwood and Cadley, as ensuring that your child is in school every day and on time allows them to fully access the school curriculum and supports them in having a settled start to the day.  We celebrate 100% attendance with termly certificates and end of year prizes.  Each child also has their own punctuality card, which is stamped every morning if they are in school on time. Those children who consistently achieve 100% punctuality, have the opportunity to be entered into a draw for a kindle each term.


Our school day begins at 8.50am and playground doors will be closed at this time. If you arrive late, after the bell has rung, then please take your child round to the main entrance where you will need to sign them in and provide a reason for why they are late, using our computerised signing in system.


Where possible, please do not make appointments during school time.  If you do need to attend an appointment with your child during school time then please inform the school office at least 24hours beforehand and  provide evidence of the appointment eg doctors appointment card/text, hospital letter etc...  The school office will inform the class teacher of the appointment. You will need to use the main entrance when either dropping off or collecting a child for an appointment.


If your child is ill and is going to be absent from school then please phone the school office before 9.15am 01772 717087.  You will need to follow the school’s automated instructions for reporting the absence.  

Please note that if your child has been absent due to sickness or diarrhoea they will not be allowed back into school until 24/48 hours after the last episode.


With regards to COVID-19, please consult our school website with regards to guidance on what to do if you or your child displays symptoms. Information can be found in the parents section and key information section.

Medication in school

We do not administer medication in school unless a child has a long term medical need and requires medicating in school as part of their care plan.

Please see our ‘Pupils with medical needs’ policy on the school website for further information. Please contact our SENCO Mrs Gill if your child has a long term medical need and will require a care plan.

If your child has been prescribed antibiotics please arrange the doses around the school day or you are welcome to arrange to come into school at lunchtime to administer them yourself. 

If your child has Asthma, please order another inhaler from your doctors to send into school.  Please send in the inhaler (in the prescribed box) and if needed a spacer (named). This inhaler will be kept in school all the time in the classroom medical box for the child to self-administer with adult supervision.  All inhalers must be sent into school via the office so that they can be registered on Medical Tracker.  This system will track when your child uses their inhaler. Please note that parents are responsible for ensuring that inhalers are in date.

Parking - Dropping off and collecting from school

Parents are not permitted to use the school car park in order to drop off and pick up children at the start and end of the school day. We ask that, where possible, you walk your child to school but if you are driving your child to and from school you will need to park around the local area. We ask that if you are parking in the local area that you do this in a manner that is polite and respectful to our local residents.  We have a good relationship with our neighbours and work closely with local community police officers in ensuring that the area around our school is safe for everyone. Our school is held is high regard in the local community and we rest assured that families who join our Fulwood and Cadley family strive to uphold this relationship through their consideration of others.

School crossing patrol 

We have crossing patrols outside school on both BlackBull Lane and Cadley Causeway at the start and end of the school day.  We ask that you cross with the crossing patrols at all time when they are available for safety.