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Key Stage 2

Key Stage 2 Assessments

 Mrs Robinson and Mr Corlett are responsible for judging the standards your child is working at by the end of key stage 2. To help inform those judgements, pupils sit national curriculum tests in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs. 

In Year 6, SATs are a more formal process of testing and pupils will sit statutory tests in:

  • English Reading
  • English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)
  • Maths

They will also be assessed by their teachers and be awarded a judgement in writing and science. By using Teacher assessment, we are able to judge a child's performance over a longer period of time. 

Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) are scheduled to take place for our current Year 6 Pupils from Monday 13th May until Thursday 16th May 2024

We will do everything we can do to ensure the children are well prepared for these assessments so that they can do their very best, which is all we can ask of them. 

Additional Tests

As part of the school assessment cycle, we use baseline assessments and mid-year assessments to support our teacher judgements in addition to the above in all year groups. These are used to measure progress and track how are children are progressing through the curriculum. 

Year 4 Times Table Check

Administration of the Year 4 Times Table Check is optional this year but we feel as a school that we have maintained effective provision in school in relation to remote learning and we would like to assess the children's attainment in this area.

The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help us to identify pupils who may need additional support, informing our next steps in provision. 

The test will be carried out in classes 7 & 8 during the 3rd-14th June 2024. The assessment is carried out on the i-pad and is very much like a quiz. 

Y4 Multiplication Check Parent Information