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Homework Policy Guide - April 2022


Homework refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons. Homework activities vary significantly, particularly between younger and older pupils, including but not limited to home reading activities, longer projects or essays and more directed and focused work such as revision and consolidation or work in class.


Quality homework tasks with feedback can have a positive impact on your child’s attainment and progress, with EEF (Education Endowment Foundation) research stating that an additional 3 months progress can be added onto your child’s development.

In light of our current context and our recovery from the pandemic, strategic homework tasks can support the gaps, as a result of missed learning and enable children to feel more confident and secure moving forward. 

Building strong connections between home and school, solidifies a strong partnership between school and parents, conveying the importance of learning to all our children and ensuring parents feel they can support and are aware of the learning taking place within the curriculum.

Our Approach

We aim to provide quality of tasks over quantity, with tasks rooted in the learning which is taking place within the classroom, ensuring homework is an integral part of learning not an add-on. Additional opportunities for all pupils to consolidate, practise and secure their learning will naturally support individual progress and build pupil confidence.

In order to maximise impact quality feedback will be provided, this may been done in class as a whole class, within groups or individually with written or oral feedback. In addition research has shown that homework involving digital technology, which is integral to our approach, typically has greater impact and engagement - +6months.

Overcoming Barriers & Supporting Equality

We know with busy family life finding a quiet space to work isn’t always easy. In order to support all pupils in being able to complete their directed homework tasks we will offer a homework club for all pupils across the school from Y2 upwards.

Within the community we have linked with St. Cuthbert’s in order to make use of their community space to provide our pupils with a homework club. The night on offer for children of all ages will be shared with pupils and parents each term.

Access to devices such as I-pads or laptops, will be supported by school to enable all children to take part in tasks set for completion.


In order to instil high expectations of all our pupils and support them in developing a strong work ethic which will grow and develop even when they leave our school, we will ask all KS2 children to take responsibility for their home learning and commit to their learning through the signing of a homework contract/agreement. This will give pupils the responsibility and independence in making their own choices and nurture those vital life skills.

Children who choose not to complete non-negotiable tasks may face a consequence in school, as we strive to instil high standards for all our children. This will be managed by class teachers and they may seek your support if necessary

Parents Have Your Say

We want to work with parents in order to achieve the very best for all our children and your opinion matters. Please feel free to make a comment supporting the new policy or with some points for possible improvements or changes. The policy is being trialled throughout the Summer term with a view to being finalised and ready for the next academic year. If tweaks and changes are needed now is the time. Please stipulate which year group and class your child is in, so team leaders can reflect on the feedback and discuss with their team. Thank you for your support Miss Stewart